The Morning After...

As I scroll through my timeline and fight back the inevitable tears (and putting my fist through a wall… anger issues, I know. I’m working on them), I mourn and think, “Is this REALLY real life”? I didn’t think it was possible to feel so many emotions all at once. However, we knew this was a strong possibility and I’ll admit that I am not shocked by this result. That alone makes me so sad. I’m afraid . As an African American, I’m not regarded as human because of the color of my skin. I’m afraid . As a woman, I’m told by those who don’t have my body parts what I should be doing with my body parts. I’m afraid . As an LGBT human, what the shape of my future family could (now) look like and those at the top exuding all resources so that they can prevent my basic human right to be happy. I’m afraid . But I am not shocked. We knew in the deepest parts of our gut that this could happen. We knew that there were members of our families; our social ...