The obvious says: "If you had told me that in my 'mid' 30s I'd be going back to school to get my masters, I would've thought you were crazy!".... Well a great deal of it holds true. Actually, all of it holds true. When I finished my undergrad in 2004 (damn!), I was DONE!… or so I thought. My first masters class starts in 2 days and a part of me just wants to get through the first day jitters and get them over with.
omg. Omg. OMG! |
I'm not THAT scared. Nope. I'm petrified, in the best way possible. Being out of a classroom for 10+ years has a way of putting all of your fears to the forefront of your mind. For example, the thought of being in a class with those who are just out of undergrad… Though it's not a bad thing, I'm sure at some point, I will feel my age. Then again, my "experience" brings something unique to the table that these youngins can learn from.
Respect your elders, young one |
For those that don't know, I'm in the IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) program at Emerson College (yeah, I KNOW!) & next two years are going to be quite the experience . I know what it's like to be busy, but this will definitely be a different kind of busy. When my friends call and ask if I wanna meet them for dinner, the answer will no longer be "I can't. I have dance/show"; it will shift to "I can't. I have a paper/homework!"
At the end of the day, and at the end of this experience, this is what growth is about. This is what it feels like to "grow up". Yes, it's going to hurt, but sometimes, it's beyond necessary.
I feel your pain Simba! |
Keep in mind, I will still watch surf clips of Kelly Slater to decompress from an assignment (if you don't know him, google him, NOW!… wait, finish reading this, then go google him!). I will wear wear a Mickey Mouse shirt and dance down Boylston St. on my way to class. Growth can still occur while still remaining who you are. It's all about enjoying the experience. So for this experience, I am going to do my best to relinquish the control that I have a tendency to hold onto with an iron grip and just let whatever needs to happen, happen.
Good Luck to the Class of 2017! Let's DO this!