So What If I'm Gay... Do You Love Me Any Less?
I wouldn't necessarily say I'm a super private person, but there are some things I'd rather keep to myself. If someone asks me something private about myself, I will share what I feel I need to share, but there's just some laundry I'll never hang out to dry in public. However, with the way our world is at this moment in 2012, some things just need to be said, no matter how dirty the laundry is. I'll also do my best to be as brief as I can, but given that I'm an opinionated Virgo woman, being brief isn't what I normally do. So if you're able to hang in thru this, I'll applaud you (seriously, I'll clap)!
Given this is an election year (please don't stop reading. I won't get all "political" on you, I promise), some issues have come up in the news I have this urge to discuss. One issue in particular has given me the "inspiration" to blog what you're about to read.
It's that white elephant in the room (I have no problem addressing) we all know is there, but if we say something about it, there's a fear of either being a bitch or potentially offending someone. I feel if you hear it from someone you love/respect/care for, it may give you a different perspective on what "being gay" actually means, at least to me.
Can I just start with the obvious question... WHO FREAKIN' CARES?? Yup, I said it! If you can explain to me in a non-biblical/non-political way of how MY loving women affects YOUR life/relationship(s), can you answer the question of why everyone seem to care? I'm not a murderer. I'm not a bully. The worst thing I do is laugh at someone who trips/fell/faceplants (c'mon, you would too!). I think it's the people who have an obvious ignorance towards something they don't know, don't understand and/or don't WANT to understand that have this strong desire to save the "sanctity of marriage". Let me tell you something... Your girl Kim Kardashian & your boy Chad Johnson aka Ochocinco (nutbag) DESTROYED that for you, so I would suggest letting THAT notion go...quickly!
I never fully understood how anyone's relationship could affect anyone else who is not involved with it. I've tried to understand where this desire stems from and the only conclusion I could come up with was this: People don't know how to mind they're own business or are just flat out BORED with life. Let's be honest, when we're bored is when we stir up the most trouble. When it comes to relationships, it's between TWO people, whether it be Man/Woman, Man/Man or Woman/Woman, Period!
Let me also take this moment to "enlighten" y'all on something. Believe what you want to believe, but despite what society might tell you, this is NOT a choice. I didn't CHOOSE to be this way; it chose me. What type of person would I be to deny who I am? But let me also remind you that being gay doesn't Define who I am any more than my love for dancing defines me as a dancer or my obsession with surfing defines me as a surfer. Yes, I am a dancer. Yes, I am a surfer. Yes, I happen to like women over men, but you know what? I am a GOOD person. I have GOOD values. I have a GOOD relationship with God, who btw loves me JUST as I am. I care about a person's integrity and whether or not they make good choices for the progression of the human race. I do NOT judge them or love them any less because of who they love,... Although I'll have a strong opinion if they're dating a d-bag! :-P
As I get ready to jump off of my soapbox, let me leave you with some food for thought... As long as I'm treated the way I deserve to be treated, does it really matter who loves me? As long as I'm happy, can you just be happy for me? Whether you've known my whole life, half of my life, or even a week of my life, So What If I'm Gay... Do You Love Me Any Less? Please take the time to think of these questions the next time you come across someone who you feel happens to be "different". I'm not asking you to accept it, but I do hope you can respect it.
Thank you SO much for hanging in there with me thru this and hearing (reading) my side of this. I don't usually over share on this topic, but this has been on my mind for quite some time and needed to get it off of my chest. Please understand this is JUST an opinion from my point of view on this issue. At the end of the day, I'm still the same Katrina you've known or are getting to know, but if you do have any questions, feel free to contact me. I don't get offended easily and will answer any question as truthfully as I can.
I love you all... (as Bruno Mars would say) JUST the way you are, please remember that! XoXoX