Imagine the Olympics In Boston?! Yeah, Me Either...

When I heard that Boston was on the list of potential cities to host an Olympic Games, at first I thought it was a joke. I wondered if the Olympic Committee had ever been to Boston to even consider it. They can't be SERIOUS, right? So clearly, this little piece of news inspired this blog post. I've come up with a letter to the committee making this decision... Should I send it?! Dear Olympic Committee, I PROMISE you will NEVER want to have The Olympic Games in Boston. Sure, we're flattered to be considered, but here are several reasons why you wouldn't want to host the Games here: 1. Have you seen the layout of this city? Good luck finding your way around the city that's littered with one way streets (because there are a LOT of those) & then getting lost for an additional 20 mins (sometimes an hour) because you took a wrong turn. And the parking... oh wait, what's that?!... never mind! If you think this is bad, you should see the 'bu...