Some Things I Will Never Understand...

You knew some type of response was going to happen (by yours truly) with all of this "gay" news going on. Let's be real, it's just too important to NOT talk about… and with that, here we go! Between Jason Collins & Michael Sam (if you don't know who they are, stop reading and go Google them NOW!), the conversations across the country are a'brew'n! The state of Arizona is trippin', Republicans want to ban gays from playing in the NFL... I swear if it's not one thing, it's another. How the hell did we get here? Seriously, how ? Because I don't understand… I don't understand why MY loving a woman affects YOUR life in any way. I've never known heterosexual relationships to affect my life whatsoever, soooo how does my being with a woman affect your relationships again?? In case you didn't already know, which I'm sure somewhere buried in your brain you're well aware of this "little" known fact,...