NEWSFLASH! It's Winter... Oh & We Live In New England!

Welp, it's that time of year again. The temperature is droppin' and people are updating every status on all social media to let y'all know exactly HOW cold it is outside. I mean, why bother having a weather app on your phone? You could probably save a few bucks on your electricity bill by not turning on your TV to find out what the temperature will be outside. Just fire up your Twitter/Facebook app, scroll away and find out how to dress "weather appropriate" before you step outside. *scroll* "it's Snowing." *scroll* "oh hey snow!" *continue to scroll* "It's snowing again?" Soooo, Let me guess... it's snowing out? The only reason I feel as though I can talk "crap" about this, is because once upon a time, I used to complain about the weather too (Let's be real, I still do SOMEtimes). BUT in my defense, I had just moved back from Miami, so I had a year and some change to adjust back t...