
Showing posts from 2014

What you should NEVER say to someone with severe allergies... EVER!

For most of you reading this and know me, you know that my allergies are... a lot. <-- and that's putting it "mildly". For as long as I can remember, I've been allergic to life, except peanut butter. I still haven't been able to figure that one out. Anyway, over the course of my 30+ years, I've been asked a variety of questions about my allergies (food and year round... nope, I don't get seasonal. That's an every day occurrence for me... yay.) .  As I've grown and started to understand what I can and cannot do when it comes to my allergies, some of these questions I've been asked went from far fetch to "are you serious?". So here are a few you should NEVER say to someone with severe allergies... EVER! I mean, EVER! It's all in your head. Tell that to my hives & closing throat next time I have an allergy attack that it's  "all in my head". If you expose yourself to your allergen, your body wil...

Imagine the Olympics In Boston?! Yeah, Me Either...

When I heard that Boston was on the list of potential cities to host an Olympic Games, at first I thought it was a joke. I wondered if the Olympic Committee had ever been to Boston to even consider it. They can't be SERIOUS, right? So clearly, this little piece of news inspired this blog post. I've come up with a letter to the committee making this decision... Should I send it?! Dear Olympic Committee, I PROMISE you will NEVER want to have The Olympic Games in Boston. Sure, we're flattered to be considered, but here are several reasons why you wouldn't want to host the Games here: 1. Have you seen the layout of this city? Good luck finding your way around the city that's littered with one way streets (because there are a LOT of those) & then getting lost for an additional 20 mins (sometimes an hour) because you took a wrong turn. And the parking... oh wait, what's that?!... never mind! If you think this is bad, you should see the 'bu...

Why My Allergies Are Not a Joke… But It Is Kind of Funny

If you live in New England, you know spring doesn't really start until the end of April. But if you live in New England and you have allergies, dates on a calendar mean absolute shit! But it's not just seasonal allergies that I have. It's " allergic to Life minus peanut butter " allergies. Yeah, you read that right. I'm allergic to just about EVERYTHING, but peanut butter. Go figure! It's a good thing I'm not allergic to peanut butter though. I think I would have severe depression if I were allergic to it. I eat that ish every day! Oh, I have food allergies too that occur every now and then. No worries. I carry an Epipen JUST in case. I've been lucky (knock on wood) to have not been in a situation where I'd have to use it since I was 8 years old (bee sting = no fun). You should see the TSA employees when I have to go through security at the airport with that thing… In case you're not sure what it is, it's a needle WITH a liqu...

Some Things I Will Never Understand...

You knew some type of response was going to happen (by yours truly) with all of this "gay" news going on. Let's be real, it's just too important to NOT talk about… and with that, here we go! Between Jason Collins & Michael Sam (if you don't know who they are, stop reading and go Google them NOW!), the conversations across the country are a'brew'n! The state of Arizona is trippin', Republicans want to ban gays from playing in the NFL... I swear if it's not one thing, it's another. How the hell did we get here? Seriously, how ? Because I don't understand… I don't understand why MY loving a woman affects YOUR life in any way. I've never known heterosexual relationships to affect my life whatsoever, soooo how does my being with a woman affect your relationships again?? In case you didn't already know, which I'm sure somewhere buried in your brain you're well aware of this "little" known fact,...

NEWSFLASH! It's Winter... Oh & We Live In New England!

Welp, it's that time of year again. The temperature is droppin' and people are updating every status on all social media to let y'all know exactly HOW cold it is outside. I mean, why bother having a weather app on your phone? You could probably save a few bucks on your electricity bill by not turning on your TV to find out what the temperature will be outside. Just fire up your Twitter/Facebook app, scroll away and find out how to dress "weather appropriate" before you step outside. *scroll* "it's Snowing."  *scroll* "oh hey snow!"  *continue to scroll* "It's snowing again?"  Soooo, Let me guess... it's snowing out? The only reason I feel as though I can talk "crap" about this, is because once upon a time, I used to complain about the weather too (Let's be real, I still do SOMEtimes). BUT in my defense, I had just moved back from Miami, so I had a year and some change to adjust back t...

Sparked By A Playlist...

So I thought I'd do something a little different with this blog entry. I've plugged my headphones into my iPod and I'm just going to press play. Let's see what the first ten songs have in store. At first, I was going to do five, but there'd be NO way I could pick just five… so yeah, ten will work! Here we go … 1. The One by Mary J ft. Drake … wait, DRAKE is in this?! Totally forgot about that… ANYway, I remember downloading this song after I saw Mary in that AT&T commercial. You know the one where she STRUTS and her phone changes as often as her clothes do hahah. About a week later, I went to a dance class at the Dance Complex and what song are we dancing to?? Yup. The one lyric that sticks out the most belongs to Drake *gag* (no offense to those who are a fan, but I'm not) "I ain't saying that I'm requesting anyone that's perfect, but I just need a woman that'll make it all worth it." 2. I Am Not My Hair by India....